Credential Guard and Device Guard – Windows 10

Hi Friends,

I hope this post finds you in good health and spirit. Festive seasons are on, hope you are enjoying it, atleast must be enjoying the “big sales” going on stores. Lol.

Recently I got few assignments on Windows 10 and most of my clients wanted to discuss two new security features in details i.e. Credential guard and device guard. Both these features are different and we can summaries them quickly ( excerpts from technet blog by Ash) as under:

“Device Guard is a group of key features, designed to harden a computer system against malware. Its focus is preventing malicious code from running by ensuring only known good code can run.

Credential Guard is a specific feature that is not part of Device Guard that aims to isolate and harden key system and user secrets against compromise, helping to minimize the impact and breadth of a Pass the Hash style attack in the event that malicious code is already running via a local or network based vector. ”


There is detailed blog on technet which talks about how they work and steps to configure them. You can have a look:

and also here:


These blogs are precise and I found them very accurate. Also it saves my time in re-writing stuff from scratch. Just kidding 🙂

So, that all in this blog. See you soon with some other technical stuff. Till then take good care of yourself.

Happy Dussehra and Diwali 🙂


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